Automation & DP Systems Products Categories

Our Automation & DP Systems are designed to improve the safety and efficiency of ships and their crew. We offer a wide range of automation products and solutions to help ships navigate through the oceans with confidence and reliability.

At Alang Ship Salvage & Marine Technology, we redefine maritime operations with our Automation & DP Systems, offering a host of benefits that elevate safety, efficiency, and compliance. Contact us today to discover how our innovative solutions can transform your maritime experience.

Unlocking Maritime Excellence: Benefits of Automation & DP Systems


Increased Safety and Reliability:

Navigate with confidence and security. Our automation solutions deliver critical information and control, ensuring the safe and efficient operation of your ship. This, in turn, reduces the risk of accidents and delays, enhancing overall safety and reliability.

Enhanced Efficiency:

Optimize your vessel’s performance with our advanced automation solutions. Experience heightened efficiency, resulting in reduced fuel consumption and lower overall operating costs. Our systems are designed to streamline maritime operations for maximum efficiency.

Reduced Crew Workload:

Empower your crew by lightening their workload. Our automation systems are engineered to automate tasks, freeing up valuable time for crew members to focus on other critical responsibilities. This not only enhances productivity but also contributes to a safer and more comfortable working environment.

Regulatory Compliance:

Sail with confidence, knowing you meet all regulatory requirements. Our automation solutions adhere to relevant regulations and industry standards, ensuring seamless compliance. Stay ahead in the evolving maritime landscape while maintaining the highest standards of regulatory adherence.
